Biba chair with cane back
22 Marzo 2022
22 Settembre 2022SF COLLECTION manufactures seats and tables by using the best materials to be found on the market at its two factories located in San Giovanni al Natisone and Manzano, in the province of Udine. Our values are honesty, transparency, accountability towards society and the environment; our values are the outcome of a corporate culture which has been handed down over three generations. An entrepreneurial style whose deep roots are in the aftermath of WW2 and which, as time went by, has been enriched by virtuous experiences and forms of conduct. Today it is important for SF COLLECTION to clearly define its own values and its own corporate culture so as to share them with its collaborators, customers and suppliers. To that end we have drawn up this ETHICAL CODE, namely a set of behavioural norms that our company intends adhering to, aware as we are that wellbeing and regard have to be provided for at every stage of our operation.
HONESTY and TRANSPARENCY Honesty is the primary principle guiding all our activities; SF COLLECTION undertakes a clear, transparent, loyal dialogue with all its interlocutors; honesty is a fundamental principle which has characterised SF COLLECTION ever since its establishment, and has been handed down from one generation to another. ACCOUNTABILITY SF COLLECTION thinks that its own activity should be carried out in an ethically responsible way, by pursuing production models that respect and safeguard the rights of people, the community’s prosperity, regard for the environment; our purpose is to promote a form of development sustainable both for the planet and the community, while promoting the coming together of diverse cultures. SF COLLECTION intends to pursue its own development by respecting the physical, cultural and moral integrity of each individual; by valuing diversity and fostering inclusion. Accordingly, SF COLLECTION does not tolerate any kind of discrimination or exclusion for what concerns age, culture, ethnicity, religious beliefs, race, political opinions, civil status, or sexual orientation. In said context, SF COLLECTION guarantees workers’ freedom of association, and commits not to avail itself of forced, mandatory or minors’ labour, while preventing all kinds of mobbing and of labour exploitation, whether direct or indirect. PROFESSIONALISM AND HUMAN RESOURCES SF COLLECTION believes that human resources are foremost in corporate development and the main factor of success; one has to increase the worth of, and reward, the contribution of every resource, by promoting the development of new, innovative ideas in a context of loyalty and mutual trust. Within such a framework, SF COLLECTION envisions training programs performed both within and without the company, to develop its own human resources. REGARD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT SF COLLECTION’s commitment is a form of regard for Earth, aimed at safeguarding it for present and future generations; our objective is a kind of sustainable development fostering values and traditions from our homeland. At each stage of our production process we have a precautionary approach toward the environment, we promote initiatives with ever-increasing environmental responsibility, and aimed at using recycled material. In researching its raw materials, SF COLLECTION strives to systematically verify their provenance, by using FSC timber, not coming from war zones, by relying on suppliers who do not perform discrimination or exploit their labour; ours is a commitment for the safeguard and wellbeing of both present and future generations, and of animals, as well. ABIDING BY THE LAWS SF COLLECTION reckons that abiding by both domestic and international norms is an essential condition in carrying out our activity; SF COLLECTION is committed to acting in a way to prevent misdemeanours, illegal conduct in every way. LOYALTY AND GOOD FAITH SF COLLECTION believes that its relationship with the recipients of the ETHICAL CODE and third parties in general has to be orientated towards good faith and honesty, this in turn is to be achieved through trustworthy behaviour in discharging all activities referrable to SF COLLECTION, with particular concern for the sustainability of agreements, the execution of the accords reached and good faith in promises. SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT SF COLLECTION considers safety and security at every workplace a value which cannot be derogated from, and commits to spreading widely a culture of safety; protecting the health of workers and of the environment is a priority. CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY SF COLLECTION guarantees confidentiality in handling the information and sensitive data it is in possession of. REGARD FOR PEOPLE AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES SF COLLECTION makes every effort to ensure outmost respect of people’s fundamental rights, by guaranteeing equal opportunities to everybody, and opposing all kinds of discriminations. .
OUR OBJECTIVES Our objective is to provide furnishing articles with a high innovative content both in terms of design and of technical, manufacturing solutions; we want to create products that are acknowledged as excellent, and made with the very best raw materials to be found on the market, while having the outmost regard both for the environment and people. OUR COLLABORATORS Our collaborators are our main resource, fundamental for the development of the firm; our collaborators are the wardens of an artisanal know-how which makes our products unique and inimitable. SF COLLECTION believes that cultural diversity and talent development are a major value that attracts and makes people grow with the company. OUR PRODUCTS Our products are at the core of our activity, our daily commitment is aimed at developing innovative, long-lasting products, with a hig design content; that guarantee superior comfort and a creative, imaginative use of the various materials OUR ENVIRONMENT SF COLLECTION is committed to operating in due respect of the environment and of people’s health; we are aware that adopting production processes that are less environmentally impacting is an investment for the future; that is why, every year, we invest in research & development, in order to reduce consumption and use recyclable materials. OUR CUSTOMERS Our customers are our partners, with them we wish to embark on a route and share our business values; we work to increase the worth of what we accomplish and what our customers accomplish. OUR COMPETITORS Our competitors are our stymulus and the challenge that drives our everlasting effort to improve; SF COLLECTION believes that a strong, correct competitive spirit is instrumental in continually upgrading our company.
RULES OF BEHAVIOUR COMMUNICATION SF COLLECTION considers its product buyers interlocutors with whom communication is entertained to get all the necessary information required for the carrying out of a mindful choice at the moment of purchase; in order to attain said objectives SF COLLECTION guarantees people a relationship based on trust and loyalty. SF COLLECTION ensures communication is respectful of consumers, and that a market-oriented logic is never going to obstruct full informative transparency with regard to both content and the correct use of its products. SF COLLECTION rejects all vulgar, contradictory and ambiguous messages. CORRUPTION SF COLLECTION undertakes to bring into force all norms and measures required to prevent corruption phenomena; paying sums of money, carrying out other forms of corruption for the purpose of obtaining direct or indirect advantages for the company shall not be permitted. Receiving gifts and favours from third parties which exceed the normal rules of courtesy and of hospitality shall not be allowed. DILIGENCE In handling contracts, SF COLLECTION undertakes to observe the agreements established between parties; to achieve such an operating system, SF COLLECTION undertakes not to exploit dominant positions with regard to its counterparties and shall provide wide, exaustive information to all staff and collaborators involved. PROTECTION SF COLLECTION does business in a market where intangibles are of utmost, ever-growing importance. We consider it vitally important to ensure secure information, regard for confidentiality and intactness of the data relative to our activity and to the relationships entertained with our collaborators, suppliers and customers; to our customers we guarantee protection and confidentiality.
ENFORCING THE ETHICAL CODE The recipients of our ETHICAL CODE are all our company members, with no exception, and anybody that directly or indirectly generates relationships or connections with SF COLLECTION. Everybody shall both respect the ETHICAL CODE and have to accept it, SF COLLECTION demands of its partners a conduct in line with this ETHICAL CODE’s general principles, considering that a fundamental aspect in order to pursue an ethically responsible production model. SF COLLECTION’s members shall be obliged to know the rules, abstain from all conduct contrary to them and get in touch with their superiors for clarifications and complaints, collaborating with the units in charge of ascertaining infringements, never hiding the ETHICAL CODE’s existence from counterparties. In business dealings, counterparties shall be enabled to get to know the existence of the ETHICAL, and have to respect its rules. SF COLLECTION undertakes to advance and guarantee the knowledge of the ETHICAL CODE, by spreading it among the people and entities interested, through appropriate communication activities.